Young woman holding paper heart in hands of another person


Human 社会 services is an interdisciplinary major combining the strengths and perspectives of our psychology, 沟通, 以及宗教研究课程. 这 major is for students seeking to enhance the physical, 情感, 社会, and spiritual quality of life for those in need.

By electing to major in human 社会 services, you’ve chosen a path to change lives and have a lasting, meaningful impact on people in need - serving as an innovative practitioner able to integrate knowledge, 理论, 实践, 研究技能, 仆人领导, and cultural sensitivity within community organizations.

Our human 社会 services major is grounded in Scripture and fueled by the Great Commission, providing opportunity for you to apply God's Word to the 理论 and 实践 of serving others.

Our curriculum is developed in accordance with the National Organization for Human Services and our program was included in the HumanServicesEdu.组织列表 of Most Affordable Bachelor’s Degree 项目 in Human Services 2022.

Experiential Learning Beyond the Classroom

You’ll 实践 the skills related to personal and professional growth through knowledge-based learning, 经验的过程, 社区参与, and practical experience under the direct supervision of professionals in human 社会 service agencies.

Our program is service-oriented and you'll have the opportunity to engage in several opportunities outside of the classroom, 比如HSS俱乐部, 参加地区会议, and volunteering at area agencies, 社区中心, 诊所, 和避难所. 

Core human 社会 services courses require personal contact with area 社会 service agencies as well as documented volunteer hours. 这 hands-on experience and mentorship allows students to 实践 and develop mastery of learned skills. 的 major culminates in two practicum experiences, providing students with long-term practical learning focused on progressive skills development and understanding.


作为有抱负的服务提供者, our students 实践 perspective taking, 解决问题, 批判性思维, 沟通技巧. 具体地说, you’ll apply the skills related to observation and behavioral recording, 面试, 实施治疗计划, employing reSearch and evaluation, 危机干预, and proper case management and referral procedures with ethical insight and professionalism.

Students have previously served at:

  • 社区 Services at Children’s Hospital
  • Milwaukee House of Correction
  • 灯塔青年中心
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities
  • 许愿基金会
  • 密尔沃基基督教中心
  • 密尔沃基救援任务
  • 安全婴儿健康家庭
  • Walworth County Health and Human Services
  • 妇女中心公司.

的 HSS Club is a student-led organization that serves 威斯康辛州路德 College and the community by providing learning opportunities, creating an organized response to need, 并伸出援手. All students majoring in human 社会 services are welcome to join the HSS Club and assist in making the world a better place.

的 difference between human 社会 services and 社会 work

Human 社会 services is a diverse and broad area of study, centered around the goal of applying interdisciplinary knowledge toward meeting people's basic needs, while 社会 work is focused on the particular areas of building skills and resource access to improve people's circumstances. Both require empathetic students with a desire to serve others.

Though the human 社会 services major is not identical to a bachelor’s degree in 社会 work, a student graduating with a human 社会 services degree will be prepared to improve accessibility, 问责制, and coordination among the multiple professionals and service agencies designed to provide support, 教育, 资源, and/or assistance to diverse populations. Students are assisted in meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the quality of life of those with whom they serve.

Occupational outlook for 社会 and human service assistants

U.S. 劳工统计局 projects a much faster than average job outlook for 社会 and human service assistants between 2021 and 2031, 增加了52,400 jobs within the ten-year period (a 12% rise).

Students may choose to work in any number of areas, including:

  • 领养及寄养服务
  • 老年人
  • 病例管理
  • 儿童福利
  • 社区资源
  • 社区娱乐
  • 危机干预
  • 拖欠/法院青年
  • 组织家庭
  • 心理健康
  • 咨询
  • 缓刑及假释
  • 上瘾


Connect with 人类社会服务 Faculty

迪·迪·麦琪 人类社会服务 兼职教授 414.443.8954 蒂蒂
劳拉Reinke 人类社会服务 助理讲师 414.443.8954 劳拉